
Missing Person

Posted on: October 18, 2013

You never thought it could happen to you
That someone could take away what was precious and true.
As each day passes,
The fear grows
Because your loved one is still missing
And no one knows.
You can never give up hope,
Or you will never be able to cope.
You will search to the ends of the earth
Until your loved one is home
To which you gave birth.
No one should have to endure this type of pain.
It is so unfair, leaving
You feeling as though you could go insane;
Keep up the faith, keep up the fight
And always keep searching with all your might!
Remember though to always prepare, as in “Hoping for the best,
But in turn preparing for the worst;”
Sometimes our loved ones may find their way home to us first.
Miracles can happen like that
As our faith can bring us what
We may thirst.
But at times are lives may take a different turn
And things may not go as perfectly as planned
Because GOD may call them home, to return
To Heaven on HIS precious land;
This is a far better place,
Than here on earth
As everything is exquisite
For there is beauty and love
Surrounding them there
Where there are no more worries,
Or no more pain
And a lot for them to rejoice
Because they are home again;
It’s okay to cry
As you miss them as each day goes by.
But, just remember you will meet again
When GOD calls you home too
And be happy like you always knew.
For as you see our lives are only here on lend,
But the next time you meet
Your heart will be on the mend
Because GOD promises a future in Heaven
That will never end.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(This is dedicated to all of you who have a loved one missing.
I pray that you soon find your loved one safe and sound.
My prayer also for you reading this today
is that GOD gives you the strength to get through each new day!)
GOD BLESS!!! ———Diane Van Bommel

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