
Archive for October 2013

pic of loving yourself
The first step to enjoying life is having faith in GOD
And in yourself;
How do you visualize yourself?
When you look in the mirror what do you see?
Do you see a face full of acne?
And someone who is rather chubby;
If this is how you are only viewing yourself.
You are focusing way too much
On what you see to be as your faults;
Sometimes in life we can be our own worse critics
That is one of our main defaults;
Try looking at yourself in a different light.
There is beauty in all of us,
Contrary to what we may believe
From our mind’s insight;
You need to look at yourself in the mirror
And tell yourself that you are beautiful,
Not just once but several times a day
Until you convince your brain
That you are very beautiful
And that no one is the same.
Maybe then your self-esteem may finally be obtained.
You can also do many things in life
That you think you cannot do
Because you don’t give yourself much credit
And you have always done this your whole life through.
Changing the way we look at ourselves
Can be a great contributing factor
On how we can be happy in life;
Don’t let a magazine or the media
Tell us what you need to look like
Because GOD made us each special
And no one is ever quite alike.
There shouldn’t be much for you to ever dislike
Because a treasure is what GOD has made us all to be
And maybe in your near future
This you will finally be able to see.
Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(Note: This picture was taken from Pinterest)

Depression takes a toll
On anyone’s happiness.
It can make you feel like you are no longer in control.
It can rob you of any delight or pleasure
Since depression gives bad measure.
No one is free from depression
When it takes hold
Because it makes one’s life start to unfold;
You cannot let depression win
Or your happiness will never begin.
Try thinking positive for a change
And things may start to look up in exchange.
It may not be easy to do at first
Because things had gotten so bad
And have been at the worst.
But with prayer, there is hope
Making it easier to now cope,
To conquer this disease
From taking over your being,
Making happiness in life to bring
Because it is joy you are now seeing.
You are now coming out on top, for a first;
Because your negative feelings have now been reversed.
Written By: Diane Van Bommel

50th Anniversary pic1

It is hard to believe 50 years ago today,
We made our vows to each other
To promise to be together, beside each other’s side to stay;
As each day passes my love for you grows
Because I feel so blessed to have you as my partner, you know.
You are also my lover and my dear friend.
We have always made the perfect blend.
You the quiet one
And me the outspoken one
We finish each other’s sentences
Or know each other’s thoughts before a word may even have begun;
I remember way back when
When we made our first start together as man and wife
You really brought happiness to my life,
Especially when the children came along
I felt like this family we created,
Was where I had always longed to belong.
We had so many trips together, that we always had fun.
All the happiness I felt then would be as if a lottery we had won.
The children are all grown up now
With little grand kids on the way
And we are where we had talked about
Years ago, about becoming old and gray,
Sitting on our porch swing holding hands and laughing every day;
I thank GOD for each moment that I have had with you, including today.
I pray that we have many more years to celebrate
And many more blessings along the way
As we continue on this journey together enjoying each new day.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(Note: Photo taken from Office.com)

It first started out as hours, then days, weeks
And then years
That you had gone missing
Filling my heart each moment with more fears;
I cannot give up on you
When there is still a glisten of hope;
Even though it has been so long ago since we spoke.
Many people around me tell me I should end my search
But I will continue to pray at home and at church.
I will search to the ends of the earth until you finally appear.
I try and remain strong even though you are not here
But, try as I might, behind closed doors I shed wet tears.
I know the longer you are gone it doesn’t look as good
But, I am praying for a miracle like any parent would.
Please GOD bring my loved one home soon
And if it isn’t possible
Please let them at least be found
So we can bring closure to our lives all around.
If I don’t get the chance to say goodbye
Please, GOD give them a hug from me
Until I too am called home, then I too will see
My loved one once again, but this time for eternity.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel
(Dedicated to all those searching for their loved one to be finally found. May GOD bless each one of you and I am praying that they come home safe and sound. I pray that you are all given the strength to make it through this very difficult time. GOD Bless! Diane)

pic of jesus- Gary Carter Jr. drew

Are things always going wrong with your life?
You feel like nothing is right because all the strife.
Do you also feel like you are all alone in this world?
And no one to turn to,
Because you haven’t found anyone,
You can nearly depend on that you knew.
Maybe you are feeling like there is joy missing,
For your heart has been aching,
As it has wanted something more
And that is because it has been thinking there had to be more
To life that was in store.
Ask yourself have you ever been truly happy inside?
Maybe you have felt this way for a very long while
and you don’t care even to admit.
There was dozens of times
and because of this you could have nearly cried.
If this sounds like you,
Maybe there is something valuable missing
That you were unaware of before
Because your mind does not wish to explore;
Sometimes if we cannot see something
Our minds convince us it is not real.
That’s because this is how some of us
have been brought up and taught to deal.
But, something’s such as GOD may not be able to be visually scene
but, with a new found faith you will feel HIS workings into action
that you may have foreseen.
What if you gave faith a chance?
What do you have to loose perchance?
Start out by praying for things to change for the better
and you will find that things will transform
in your life making you feel less bitter.
What started out as one prayer may turn into more
because you will see the strength that comes from having
Faith, when you choose to participate and give it an encore.
The emptiness you had felt inside
Will no longer reside
Because GOD has filled your heart with joy,
You will no longer be able to hide
And when HE is involved in your life, no man can even destroy
Leaving you with a happier lifetime for you to now go out and enjoy!

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(Picture is by the artist: Gary Carter Jr., Ridgetown, ON., CANADA)

“Thank you Gary, you my cousin, are an amazing artist!”



This is a picture of a man who was Atheist turns Believer.

It is a touching testimony that will bring you to tears.

Come check out the story on this website


video of athetist turns believer

pic for believing in yourself2pic for believing in yourself1
I believe in you.
I also believe in me.
I only wish you could see what I see.
You can do whatever you have your mind set to.
You just need to let go of that fear,
So you can achieve when your thoughts are clear.
You don’t give yourself much credit
And so your self-esteem there is a lack of it.
Try believing in yourself for a change
And the sky is the limit giving you a bigger range.
The moment you finally start believing in yourself
Is the moment that your life’s
Goal will no longer be kept on a shelf.
But instead that dreams of yours is no longer just that, a dream
But a virtual reality
Because this time you chose to believe in oneself.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(Note: Photos taken from Office.com)
(Dedicated to my new found Holland friend, Judith Vink. “I believe in you!”)

(This music video is, “I Believe in You,” By: Amanda Marshall and it is from YouTube.com)

pic for Believe in Yourself poem

It is so painful to watch your teenager
Being faced with the reality of love,
On how love can hurt
And how love can cause pain;
It is so difficult when the other person
Doesn’t feel the same;
Unfortunately this may not be the first time
Or even the last time
Their heart will be broken
Because the other heart has now spoken.
If only we could make that person
Fall in love with them
And allow them to see the special
Person that you always see;
Our lives would be perfect
Wouldn’t it, if this could actually be?
For now, we need to be their shoulder to cry on
And let them grieve
But allow them to never to give up hope
On finding true love
Because it will happen when they least expect it,
When one chooses to believe;
Sometimes they may meet
A dozen contenders in the meantime
Before love takes that special seat
And before long the pain they had felt will be left in the past,
For this new love they have waited for,
Was the one that was meant to last.
Written By: Diane Van Bommel

A good friend is someone
You can always rely on or even depend.
They are there for you always,
Not just when it is convenient for them.
They are there when things are good
But more importantly when things are bad;
They don’t let you stay sad for too long
Because they somehow manage
To lift your spirits up
Where they belong;
If your friend is not this way,
You need to ask yourself, is this really a true friend?
Is this where your spare time you ought to spend?
Sometimes we need to weed out those weeds
And plant new seeds,
Making more room
For more positive friendships to take bloom.
A garden will flourish when weeds are removed
And so will our lives be vastly improved.
Written By: Diane Van Bommel

Are you surrounded by people who make you feel bad?
About what you look like
And who you are?
Are they always talking bad about everyone?
And everything, which in turn creates an emotional scar?
Did you ever think that maybe you should
Be encircling others into your life that
Share a more positive energy for a change.
By you making this switch in your life,
Your views will start to transform
As you take on this exchange;
You will start to feel better about
Yourself and everything around you
Because you are no longer feeling anxious or distraught
From all the negativity in your life this person had brought.
Sometimes change comes slow
For it is often hard to let go.
It is difficult because this is how it has always
Been for you, as these negative individuals
May be the only ones you have come to know.
Get out there and get involved in a church
Or a community volunteer setting.
This is a perfect example of what positive energy can bring.
Maybe you might even decide to join a choir,
If you truly love to sing.
There are plenty of people looking for friends
Who need someone like you that they can depend.
Although, you may need to move forward leaving all that negativity
Behind, you still need not to forget
To pray for those affected by this pessimism
Because they can still be helped too;
One day who knows they may enter back into your life
Because with devotion and prayer
They may eventually gain a more respected kind of positive view.
The key is to never truly give up on anyone
But sometimes we need to allow ourselves
The time and sufficient space
So eventually the negativity will be gone without a trace.
Now you will be able to enjoy what life has to offer
The way GOD had intended it to be
Because everything around you will look
To be in a brighter light
Because of all the positivity you now see.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(This is written in dedication to my dear friends, Barbara Walters-Grobe and Don Myers. You have a beautiful spirit that has inspired me to write this in hopes of helping someone who is dealing with these struggles in their life. I want others to know that are reading this, that they are not alone and there is nothing to ever be ashamed about. Many people have these feelings but may be afraid to even admit them to others or to themselves. I feel though with prayer everything can be overcome. The key is to put your faith into action and surround yourselves with love. I pray that those who struggle with anxiety or depression that they will start to see the true beauty of life and be able to further themselves from the negativity that brings their spirits down. GOD BLESS!!!! Diane)

They say that love is blind
And that true love is a rare find
So when you discover it don’t let it slip away.
Instead work on it so it will stay.
Sometimes we don’t see what is of right there in front of us
Because of all our busy lives and also with all the fuss;
If we don’t appreciate what we have got
It may become a little too late
And your relationship may rot.
Choose to appreciate what this connection has taught
So your love will continue to blossom
And keep you from boredom.
Treat every day as a special one
With kind words, laughter and fun,
Always make time and treat your loved one
As if it were a new relationship that had just begun;
Sometimes because when you have been together for a long time
Your connection may become rather stale.
But if you choose to invest time
And love with this special someone,
Then your affection for one another will prevail.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel
