
Archive for September 2013

Years earlier I worked myself literally to
The bone wanting to be skinny;
Until one day I hurt my knees badly.
My knees are now bone on bone,
With no cartilage left for cushioning.
Now my life has been forever changed,
Which is, a very sad thing
If only I hadn’t been obsessed with working out,
In fact I was working out 7 days a week.
I now walk each step in pain, so things seem now bleak.
Learn from my mistakes
And appreciate even the smallest things.
Don’t overdo it because you don’t know
What your life may bring.
Be happy with who you are,
Don’t try to impress others by pushing yourself too far.
You are beautiful.
If you are to exercise do it responsibly
And don’t push at it the way I did.
My faith is now what gets me through
And one day I am in hopes of two knees that are new.
My advice to all of you
Is to be the best you can be at whatever you do
And don’t worry about the expectations
Of others too
Because happiness starts from loving oneself
And for me sharing my story
I hope it prevents someone from going through
The same pain to themselves;
Live each day as a gift
And remember to be content with ourselves.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

As the years go by
Times change, people change and life does change.
If only things could stay the same
Because sometimes it can be painful or feel rather strange;
Maybe you have to start a new job,
Or you have to get a new doctor
Or even move to a different town.
Sometimes due to your failing health
or age you may even have
To move into a nursing home,
This brings more than a frown.
If only life could slow down some,
So we can enjoy all the things we love.
But, no matter what we need to appreciate everything from GOD up above.
It is unfortunate that time only moves forwards
And never backwards;
This is a part of life we need to accept
As in everything that may come our way.
Try and look at the good in this “change”.
Maybe it is not as bad as you may have thought.
Looking at life in this new light
Can bring you more happiness and maybe even a lot;
Change doesn’t always have to be bad
And soon with the right kind of attitude it might
Prove to be the greatest time in your life you ever had.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel
(Written in dedication to my dear friend, Jean Gosnell who was my inspiration for this writing; May GOD continue to strengthen you during the changes in your life.)

Every one of us has courage
And inner strength that comes from having faith in GOD.
It is so easy though just to give up
When things in our life don’t go as planned.
That’s where most of us are flawed.
In order for us to succeed in life
In beating a disease or other problems we may have to face
We need to turn to GOD in prayer
To help guide us through and embrace;
HE is there to give you strength
So don’t give up too prematurely.
Be a survivor, keep your faith strong
And in the end you will find fewer things will go wrong.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel
