

Posted on: March 5, 2013

I close my eyes
Trying to hold back the tears
But all I can do is let out a great big sigh
Because of my sorrows and fears;
There is so much going on in my life
That all looks to be grim;
For even today, the sun seems rather dim.
I just wish I could start my day all over
As there seems to be no brightness in today;
This sometimes happens when the sky appears
To be full of clouds and rather gray.
It is funny how the weather
Can somehow shape our moods,
But we can still manage to make our days brighter
Even if the sun that day does not comply;
We just need to tell ourselves to stop feeling sorry for oneself
And rather look around at all the blessings that GOD does supply.
You might be surprised how many truly there are
That you could actually write one outstanding memoir;
All you need to do is appreciate all that you do have as in food, shelter,
Friends and family that are both far and nearby;
As well as GOD who is always there for you to rely.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

1 Response to "Tears"

Hey Diane! Sorry you were having a tough day! Can’t begin to imagine what you are going through without adding other daily struggles on top. Keep your chin up! Lots of people are thinking of you and pulling for you. Hope the sun is shining tomorrow to help make everything brighter for you! Sending positive thoughts and prayers.

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