
It Hurts in Letting Go (Someone you love who is dying)

Posted on: February 1, 2013

It hurts in seeing someone you care so deeply for slowly
and now suddenly quickly leaving your grasp,
Because their body is weakening and becoming very frail and you know deep within your heart that they soon may die. You know this is a fact of life that you cannot change and have to accept, but that doesn’t change the pain and sorrow you feel deep within your heart. You have loved and cherished that person for a very long time. They have also been a part of your life for as long as you can remember, or maybe this person may have only been for such a short while, but felt like eternity because they had captured your heart right way.
How can you accept this painful fact? In truth you have no choice, but to. We cannot change their destiny,
as GOD has other special plans for them.
We need to pray for GOD to heal us and give us HIS strength to “Accept the things [we] cannot change; courage to change the things [we] can; and the wisdom to know the difference,” (Words taken from the “Serenity Prayer”)
This is truly what we need to do.
It won’t be easy but we need to emotionally survive.
I have experienced this first-hand for myself and it is so painful to see your loved one suffering and slowly slipping away, right before your eyes. I felt like crying, but I held up a strong front, as I didn’t wish for my loved one
to see me in tears or hurting.
I know I have to convince myself in letting go of my fear and being happy for them
because I feel rather selfish inside if I don’t.
The way I need to think of this is it’s actually a celebration for them, because this love one now will be able to reunite with their family and friends that have been away from them for so long.
I need to keep being there though so this person I care about does not die alone,
but surrounded by lots of love and with an inner peace.
It is not a forever thing that we shall be apart because GOD promises us a future later together in HIS beautiful kingdom of Heaven. It will be a test of time that I shall have to go through. They say, “Time heals all wounds”, as I believe it can also mend our hearts too. That doesn’t mean I shall ever forget this loved one or my other dear beloved ones that have passed. This also does not mean I shall not miss them but, it’s just that I know from my faith in GOD, that HE will reunite us in the future, to never be painfully separated again.
We need to trust in GOD and keep our faith strong and that is what I need to do now. I can make it through with GOD’s powerful, healing strength and the same can go for you too. Trust in HIM, and HE will help you through these feelings of sadness and depression. GOD can bring that joy back into your lives, and this will also help you during this test of time of being away from your beloved ones.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

2 Responses to "It Hurts in Letting Go (Someone you love who is dying)"

Beautiful Diane!! If you don’t mind I’m going to print this one for future reference!!

Thank you! Barb, you go right ahead and print a copy. The whole reason I am doing these writings is because I am hoping to reach out and help others. I feel honoured that you would like to print it.

Diane Van Bommel

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