
Archive for February 2013

Day by day
Little by little
We are hopeful
Of new beginnings, happy endings
And great relationships with friends and siblings
Which are many of our great blessings;

Life is not always going to be perfect and run smoothly, as we all hope it to be.
Sometimes we are going to have to face struggles or battles
And many heated arguments in our life that we may unfortunately tend to see.

If this happens to you, the most important thing to remember is forgiveness.
Many people hold on to anger and stop talking to their friends
and their loved ones because they can’t let go of the pain,
As they feel blameless.

But in truth no one is guiltless. “It takes two to tango so to speak”
And maybe it is now you who need to go to GOD and spend more time with HIM in prayer,
So the knowledge you will now be able to further seek.

Your faith in GOD keeps your faith on track.
This in turn allows you to have no regrets when looking back

And makes all the areas in your life to run more smoothly;
It also allows you to rationalize more
So you can act and feel more calmly.

I know you may have heard this phrase, “Life is too short”
over a thousand times but there is much truth to it
And that is why you need to treat the people in your life
With love and respect and actually commit.

This allow yourselves to open your hearts more for a greater opportunity
To forgive and release that anger like you should,
Because nothing ever good comes out of being hateful
And you will feel weighed down with sadness
As well as pain, like one in this situation often would.

Love more, forgive more and hate less.
Your lives will deepen with love and joy,
Which you will now continue to possess.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

In life there are going to be great things to look forward to in it
And also struggling that cause bleakness that makes you want to quit.
No one knows where our lives will take us
As one day you could wake up with even a sudden illness.
We need to face what life sends our way
No matter how painful the journey may be today.
There is always a brighter tomorrow to look forward to
But sometimes it may take longer than a day or two
To finally get to that point;
We just need to change our outlook or viewpoint.
This is when we can’t give up but always move forwards
Never looking back at all the pain and disappointments;
But instead looking ahead and staying positive looking forward to a brighter future with greater accomplishments.
You can’t just give up and quit because you are not only hurting yourselves but those who you love all around you.
There is an inner strength in every one of us and our faith is what brings it out
And this is what will help us make it through.
You also need to listen to that gut feeling GOD gave to you too.
Trust in GOD and open your hearts more
Because you’d be surprised of what your future has now left in store.
Written By: Diane Van Bommel

me and my dad bald
To most women, hair is what defines their beauty.
Many highlight, colour, curl, style or spend several minutes a day
Just to feel beautiful and cheery.
But one day, one might be touched by
Alopecia or cancer, which thins or causes the head to start balding
Leaving that person feeling stressed and not so calmly,
As fear takes over because they are now left feeling
Insecure, do to worrying what others
May think or how they will judge them.
Stay strong, you are beautiful just the way you are!
You can rise above this and your faith will take you far.
Trust in GOD to see you through
And your inner beauty will radiate brightly, for others to see too!

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

pic of Very-large-moving-waterfall-animation-with-rising-steam-rainbow

Rainbows show up just after the rain,
Right away giving us pleasure to gain;
Later too the sun will show, granting us with its presence
And the two together are such a beautiful essence.
There are many colours in the rainbow to see,
That many tend to forget what they are and which order they are to be.
That’s why all you need to do is remember these letters, “ROY G BIV.”
“R” is for red, “O”-orange, “Y”-yellow, “G”-green, “B”-blue, “I”-indigo,
The colour of a bluish green;
And the last letter being “V”, which stands for “violet”,
This one tends to be a favourite for some and the others are also worthy.
The next time you see a rainbow let it be a beautiful reminder
That even though are lives may be troubled at times,
There are still things to look forward to,
As those problems will only be sometimes.
So persevere head and keep the beauty of the rainbow in mind
Next time when you feel there is nothing
To look forward to of any kind,
Because later with faith and prayer there will be
True happiness in your life, that you will soon come to find.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel
(Note: The idea of “ROY G BIV” came from the web site: wiki.answers.com)

(Photo Taken From: netanimations.net)

You are my sweetheart and my best friend.
You always have so much love to share,
and so much more to send.

You are my inspiration and my special light,
Who because of you, I now shine bright.

You make me want to be a better person,
a better friend, and even a better girlfriend,
Because of you I am no longer sad,
and now my heart is on the mend.

You taught me so much,
and I am grateful for all that you do.
There may be times that I may not express this enough,
but these facts still remain true.

I can never imagine my life being without you,
as you mean everything to me;
There is no one I would rather share my life with,
Or no other place I would rather be.

I never want to lose you
because you are that special to me.
You are whom I have always loved,
and looked forward to see.
You make me who I really want to be!

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

You are my sweetheart and my best friend.
You always have so much love to share,
and so much more to send.

You are my inspiration and my special light,
Who because of you, I now shine bright.

You make me want to be a better person,
a better friend, and even a better boyfriend,
Because of you I am no longer sad,
and now my heart is on the mend.

You taught me so much,
and I am grateful for all that you do.
There may be times that I may not express this enough,
but these facts still remain true.

I can never imagine my life being without you,
as you mean everything to me;
There is no one I would rather share my life with,
Or no other place I would rather be.

I never want to lose you,
because you are that special to me.
You are whom I have always loved,
and looked forward to see.
You make me who I really want to be!

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

You are my sweetheart and my best friend.
You always have so much love to share,
and so much more to send.

You are my inspiration and my special light,
Who because of you, I now shine bright.

You make me want to be a better person,
a better friend, and even a better wife.
Because of you I love my life!

You taught me so much,
and I am grateful for all that you do.
There may be times that I may not express this enough,
but these facts still remain true.

I can never imagine my life being without you,
as you mean everything to me;
There is no one I would rather share my life with,
Or no other place I would rather be.

I never want to lose you,
because you are that special to me.
You are whom I have always loved,
and looked forward to see.
You make me who I really want to be!

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

It’s a snow day, hip, hip hooray!
The kids are so happy,
The radio announcer did say.
Maybe not for mom and dad
But for us kids we are sure glad.
There is no school today so we can
Actually sleep in for a change,
Rather than get up so early
Having our rest shortchanged.
There is no work for our minds to do today
So we can waste the entire day in watching TV,
Playing video games or a few board games with our siblings,
That we usually outplay.
Perhaps we could even maybe take advantage of the snow outside
And make a snowman or fort as such
Or possibly go sledding down the hills which can be lots of fun,
Because it is a thrill so much.
Snow days are sometimes so far in between,
As a student we wish for them so hard,
That occasionally to the very extreme;
For parents who work, it makes it harder to find a last minute babysitter
And as for the stay at-home parents,
Some enjoy the company and the one on one time,
Well others are anxious for their little ones
To be back at school for the day
Because of the chaos and pure disarray,
So take advantage of the snow days if they come your way
Since you never know when the storm will hit
Forcing the school buses to not run
And allowing you at home to stay;
Remember if the roadways are icy and not clear
As they do appear
Then stay off them if you don’t need to go out,
To prevent an accident and the emergency crew
Having to waste time on shovelling you out;
Instead stay where it is nice and warm
And put off your excursion until
You wait out the storm.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

Sometimes time goes by very slow
This is when things go wrong right in a row.
Or other moments way too fast
When wonderful things start to take place at last,
Unfortunately, we are not always in control of our present,
Future and even past,
We need to enjoy what we do have now,
So cherish every second
You have been given.
This is to say take pleasure in every moment;
You are here on earth now living.
Try not to fret the small stuff
And give the big stuff to God.
At times like these, it feels like you have had just enough
Because things had gotten that rough;
We need to take the time to value every family and friend,
Making any possible changes to our relationships, that may need to mend.
Let them know how much we really appreciate them so.
This is very important for everyone to know
Because we never can tell when our time might be up
Or where in our lives, we will wind up.
And that is when God will later call, when HE is wishing on us to send,
For our future life to be with HIM then,
An eternity of happiness
That will no longer come to any death defying end.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel
