
We Need to Show Others God’s Love

Posted on: January 27, 2013

God is truly amazing! HE is our FATHER in heaven. HE is perfect in every way, unlike the rest of us. God doesn’t expect us to be perfect but, HE does want us to live a good Christian life. It is not to say we go all preachy, preachy on everyone but, to show God’s Great love by our actions. This sometimes has more power than words. It’s always good to preach aloud but, be careful that we don’t come off too strong and scare those who might be trying to make their way back to the Lord. If we show our Christianity by our actions, others will want to follow as they see the light that shines with you. They want to have that same level of happiness in their life. So go ahead and show God’s love. Reach out to HIS people and you will be blessed in so many ways for it. You will also feel so fulfilled and experience such joy in your hearts.
Written By: Diane Van Bommel

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