
The Trust is Now Gone

Posted on: January 27, 2013

How can you learn to trust again? You trusted them. You use to respect them. But, now all of that is gone. You used to look up to them because after all they worshipped the Lord. You never thought that someone who had such high authority in a church could do that to someone. You are now left feeling scared, ashamed, and very much alone. But, know you are never alone, God is there! Do not allow what has happened to you to cloud your judgment and in turn, turn you away from your faith and to God. What was done to you seems like such an unforgivable act, an evil act. Know that it wasn’t your fault. That person who did this to you needs prayers because the devil has gotten a tight hold on them. He has put these desires and devilish actions into their thoughts and in their minds. They gave into the devil and followed through with his afflictions. The devil moves in, when he sees an opening, a weakness.
He is so happy to get into God’s territory. He thrives at seeing evil taking place. But, we can’t let evil win. That’s just what the devil is hoping for. We need to do what the devil would never expect and that is to forgive that someone. This would very much please God. This maybe one of the hardest things you have to do. But, it is important priority to God. You may feel this someone doesn’t deserve the forgiveness. After all, they have taken what was most precious to you, your innocence, and your trust. You need to ask God, to give you HIS strength, some inner peace. When you finally make that big decision to forgive, you will feel much lighter for it.
Try and make good of the bad. Reach out to help others who too have gone through such horrifying circumstances. You can make a difference in someone’s life as well as your own. Everyone needs a friend to get us through these rough times and challenges in our lives. Try and be strong. You need to get back into going to church. Not all religious leaders are alike. This is what is required as part of your healing. Learn to trust in God, to help you get through this. You will never forget what’s been done to you, but, you can move forward and still live a fulfilling life. Trust God. Live your life for HIM and you will once again experience the joy in your life that was once lost.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

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