
Don’t Give Up So Easily, It is Worth it in the End

Posted on: January 26, 2013

Too many people now days give up on each other, their relationships or their marriages far too easily. They experience troubles or difficulties in their relationships, so give up on them because it is the easier way out. Why not try and ask for God to help you through it. Try to remember and think back to how and why you fell in love. It is still possible to get that feeling back. It just takes some time and efforts on your part along with not to mention your faith in God. Anything truly worthwhile in life does take work. It doesn’t come easy. But, in the end it is worth it to you both and also for any children that may be involved. Try to focus not so much on each other’s faults and weaknesses but, rather on one another’s attributes because during these rough times we focus more on the negative making it seem like they are more in abundance. Instead try and put your energy and thinking on the positive things you enjoyed or loved about that person. You may say to yourself, “I actually can’t think of any there are so few.” If you stop being so stubborn and tough on one another and think what it is that brought together in the first place; and if you really stop to look within one self you’ll still find they are still that special to you. We all grow, and may seem to change, sometimes making you feel like you are growing apart or out of love. Maybe it is due to some type of outer influence or possibly attention from someone who starts giving you interest and the feel of desire to which you feel you have been lacking. Don’t give into these temptations; they will only cause one another pain and feelings of guilt afterwards. Instead try giving your relationship another chance; try focusing more on their positive rather than on their negative things they bring to your relationship. You may say to yourself “I can’t think of many positive things about them because there are so few.” If you stop being so hard and mean to one another and take away all this negative energy and fill yourself with more positive; this relationship will work. Try treating each other with more respect for one another’s feelings, make time for each other and for oneself and more importantly make time for God. If you put God in both of your lives, and in your relationship this will not fail. This marriage you almost so easily gave up on, could now lead you to the most satisfying and fulfilling life. We all make mistakes, none of us are perfect.
Try and at least make an effort, you don’t know if you don’t at least give it half a chance. It is never too late with God working on your side. With God on your side anything is possible; if just put faith into it. “The only way any marriage can survive is if there is the 3 of you in it—and that is the two of you and God, without him in it your marriage will fail.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

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