
Be at Peace

Posted on: January 26, 2013

Every one of us one time or another will loose someone or something we cared so deeply for. It is inevitable. We are all here on borrowed time, precious time. From the moment we are born our time starts ticking forwards, we can never move backwards. It seems like just an unfair justice to have to go through such grief and pain. Unfortunately, this is part of the facts of life. There is no one that can avoid this grave outcome. It doesn’t matter how much money you have, what you own or just how important you are. Life does not play any favorites. We will all have to endure this same painful fact of reality.

Our body and our minds will go through many feelings and emotions. Sometimes it may feel like its constantly running in overload. It may also feel like whenever you close your eyes that your mind is playing a movie and it’s your life with that someone playing as the special feature. At times this can be so overwhelming. It may bring us very special memories of that special someone. We do never want to forget him/her. We are afraid to lose those special thoughts of them because you want to honor their memory.
There may be moments we wish that we could just fast-forward or rewind because the pains at times are just too hard to bear.

We are not alone, never alone because
God is there! We need to ask for HIS help to give us the strength to get us through this mind boggling pain. It takes time, to get us through these difficult moments in our life. But, it does get easier. The more time that goes by the more it seems to ease away some of the pain.

That pain you feel may never go away and there may be some days that are better or worse than others. But, we need to never give up. Things will eventually get better for you. We need to Trust in God. HE has a special timing and purpose for each and every one of us. We may never understand any of HIS plans, but; we just need to know and trust that God is in control. We also need to accept wherever our lives may take us.

Life is a funny thing, a wonderful thing. Those loved ones that we may have lost may seem like a forever thing, but it is not. There is one thing that death cannot take away from us and that is even though they may have left us for a better place; they still leave behind their special memories and imprints on our hearts which cannot be erased. These are gifts given to us from God to help us during the waiting time, until the time we will once again be reunited with our loved ones.

These memories are ours to cherish but, we just need to have patience for the moment we will be together forever but, this time eternally in God’s grace. So realize it is okay to grieve. We all need to take the time to do so and know also that we need to grieve in the best way that we know how. Never judge someone on how long this grieving process should take because some may take a short while, others may take a very long time. It’s because we are all unique individuals created by God. It doesn’t matter who grieves the quickest or the longest; this is not a contest or test, we all need to take the time that is needed for our minds to heal, along with our broken heart. With God’s help they will both one day mend leaving us once again feeling at peace, so we can continue to go on with the rest of our glorious journey. One of the many gifts from God is our “life”; never take it for granted.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

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