
Get out of the Boat

Posted on: January 21, 2013

GOD has big plans for each one of us
And sometimes we are not listening to what HE wants
Or expects because of our blindness;

GOD wants us to “get out of the boat” so to speak.
Because HE has something better
For all of us to go out and seek;

There are so many of us that live such a sheltered life
Because we are afraid of the unknown
So we stay in our jobs or life where we feel comfortable
And where security has always been shown;

Maybe for you “getting out of the boat”
may mean possibly going back to school
To get your grade 12 or accomplishing something
you have always dreamt about doing.
But seemed like it was always put off
or put up on a shelf as a later to do list;
Never to achieve because fear always
stepped in the way making it rather dismissed.

We all need to take that first trusted step with GOD in
“Getting out of the boat,”
No matter what age.
There is something waiting on shore for us to be happy with and engage.

It may be scary to make that first step “out of the boat”
Due to not calm waters
But every now and then we need to go through rough waters.
If we ever want to get ahead in life and actually truly be happy for starters.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

Note: Photo is taken by Tom Haseltine

(This poem is written in dedication: to my sister, Carol Ann Hubley who was given the message, “to get out of the boat” during a prayer group and then the following day by a priest because GOD realized she was not understanding her message. Since receiving that message Carol Ann went back to school in her 40’s to become a P.S.W. (Personal Support Worker) She now works in a nursing home helping the elderly and she finds her new career both rewarding and very fulfilling. The patients at the nursing home also gain from Carol Ann taking that step “out of the boat” because they have a wonderful caring person who loves her job, making their nursing home experience a much happier one, like being at home.)

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