
The Winter Blues

Posted on: January 2, 2013

I have got the winter blues
Like so many of us do.
Why just the other day,
I was so stressed that I felt,
as if my troubles just grew.
Why do I get so upset?
This leaves me with deep regret
Because all it seems I ever do anymore is fret.
Could it possibly be that I am drowning in debt?
Or maybe it could be because
it is so cold and dreary outside,
That all I want to do now

Is stay inside and hide.
This does not help my figure,
Due to the lack of exercise;
This creates even more cries,
As now it is my body I despise.
Why does winter have to go on so long?
I hate feeling this way because
I no longer feel very strong.
I need to reach out to GOD before
It becomes too late,
And I become a victim of depression,
To which would be, an unwanted fate.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

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