

Posted on: January 2, 2013

There are so many people out there, that
Unfortunately don’t believe.
They have never known God who is in our lives
That really holds the key to our happiness.
It is those that are always holding things
Right up their sleeve.
They get themselves into mischief
And do as they please.
We need to pray for them, so they too
May also believe that God is real,
HE is always there for you and me.
GOD is always there beside you,
This you may never see.
But take it from me
HE does exist.
You will also agree if you just put your trust in HIM
And HE will answer your plea.
If you want to help bring these loved ones back to God try saying
a little prayer such as the “Apostle’s Creed”.
This might plant a seed
So their souls will feed.
Never give up on those, that
Don’t believe,
For we want them too, to also succeed.
Do it now before it is too late
Because the time may come
Soon enough when we will reach GOD’s golden gate.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

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