
Never Assume

Posted on: January 1, 2013

I wrote this poem to make everyone aware of what can become of things when we just assume instead of taking the time to get the facts first. Many of us in our lifetime have done this maybe once or twice, even I have fallen to this. There maybe people that during the winter months grow more in the middle like so many of us do and get asked if they are pregnant and to when the baby will be do. You find after with the facts that this is so untrue making yourself feel horrible and the other person left feeling so discouraged and so blue. Another example: Maybe you got into a fight because you thought someone said something about you, so you went ahead assuming that what you heard was true but later it became clear to you it was so untrue. I am hoping with this poem that we will all remember to think twice before we just ever assume so we can avoid this happening in any of our lives.

Never Assume
One should never assume,
Or friendships may fall apart
This leaves you feeling gloom.
Wait for the known facts first.
Don’t ever just assume!
You may be thinking the worst
And in turn causes a sudden outburst.
It is not worth the worry or the pain.
So why not wait for the truth to be told and allow the others to explain.
To think if you only had waited, and not jumped to such conclusions.
Instead you decided it all for yourself causing these wild illusions.
Next, time you will think twice before you ever assume again or it could
cost you a very dear price.
All of this just causes such undue grief.
The other person is so full of anger now, leaving their hearts full of ice.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

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