
Archive for January 2013

We cannot erase our mistakes
But we can learn from them.
If we choose not to, it could cause mayhem.
We need to consider these slip-ups
As experiences to be put in the past
And trench forward with this new found knowledge and don’t let up.
Don’t judge others on their mistakes
Because we are all guilty of them
And that would be hypocritical don’t you think?
Occasionally in our lives we just need to rethink.
Sometimes we can share our failures with others
To prevent them the same negative outcome.
But, sometimes people have to learn for themselves,
As this is what works best for some.
Because that’s how they gain some wisdom;
In life we will keep making mistakes until we get everything right,
Nevertheless don’t feel like you are a failure
Because it’s what makes you human;
You will come ahead from your erudite life’s lessons
And with it be a better person for all to see;
You just to never give up on yourself and realize this not only possible,
But quite capable for you, to actually go out and achieve.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

When was the last time you gave a compliment?
As in, “I love your hair, or your outfit looks amazing”.
This makes a rather pleasant listening,
For every one of us loves to feel good about themselves,
Especially when they get approval from others
Because sometimes without it we feel like failures;
You can even give positive feedback from the cooking you received
Or on your child’s good grades they just achieved.
There are so many compliments you can give out
To make someone feel good, but don’t holdout
Just because you are waiting for them to compliment you first,
By you leading in doing so, a stronger friendship will be more socially conversed.
You can also compliment them on their skills or talents
And just think if all parents as well as teachers did this for
The children, what a happier
Memory there would be of their childhoods.
You have the power from your caring words,
So why not do this for them like a great parent and teacher should.
Compliment even those on face book with a quick click on “like”
And if you feel like typing some, maybe even a few nice things you could write.
Compliments not only make the receiving end feel special and bright
But also to the one giving them, as they now experience great delight,
Because they made someone’s day a much brighter one
And the results of their good deed, a friendship may now soon unite.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

Every one of us has a conscience;
It is actually a gift given from God,
To let us know right from wrong.
It is also there to keep us on the right track,
As our special guide to help lead us in life;
It’s that little inner voice that tells you “no”
Or you shouldn’t do this or that.
When we ignore this gift,
You’re giving in to the devil.
It makes him happy that you’re gone off track.
The devil wants you to do evil things like rape, kill or steal, sex and drugs.
The devil gives you a sudden high,
To reward you for this deal; But the pleasure will not last long.
If you stay on the right track instead, that’s when you will experience pure joy that continues.
Good always conquers evil in the end as
Evil never wins.
It would later start to catch up with you
Because soon the guilt will set in;
It will eat you up, like a cancer.
This is such a big disappointment to God.
HE wants you to do well and to reject sin.
It’s not too late to come back to God.
Don’t let evil win.
God is our FATHER,
HE will accept you with open arms.
You need to repent
And give yourselves to God.
So the next time the devil wants you to listen to him,
You instead pay close attention to your “special gift” and say “no”
And send that devil back on his way.
You will live a better life for it
And not to mention be a better person for it;
Rejoice in the Lord Our God
And sing Praises to Him!

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

Are you or someone you know struggling with a learning disability?
It is making you feel frustrated and so angry that you are left with hostility.
Maybe it is having problems with one
Or more of the areas of reading, writing and arithmetic.
This causes you great sadness, as you try to keep up
With the rest of the class and you feel that this should all be logic.
But to you it takes an extra effort,
Whereas to others it comes easy to them and very quick.
Sometimes when you are alone trying to do these things
You get into a sudden panic.
Inside you wish if only you didn’t have these disabilities,
As you feel that everyone will make fun of you because that is all they see.
We are all special and unique; maybe you may not be great academically
But GOD has given you other gifts, which don’t require you to be brainy.
Everyone has special talents we may not first come to realize
But if we pray to GOD and stop focusing on what
We are lacking, you will see there is something amazing
About each human being;
Don’t focus on what you don’t have and what appears to be in far reach.
But focus on the blessings you do because GOD gave them to each.
You are special, you are unique and you are valuable
And it doesn’t matter if you are not a scholar
Because to GOD you are bright, very much loved and a dazzler.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

I had woke up early in the middle of the night feeling compelled to write one of my writings. The words spilled out of me quickly as I wrote the writing. It didn’t take me long before I had soon finished, going back to bed. The next morning as I awoke I was anxious to share what I had written from the night before. I immediately had called my sister up and read it to her. She had said, “There is definitely something to your writing” and she asked me who I thought it was meant for. I replied, “I think God wants it for all those who can’t forgive.” She then had asked me if I thought it might be possible that part of it was for me. I couldn’t understand what she was trying to get at as I told her there is no one I need to forgive, “I don’t hate anyone.” She than told me to look at the words more closely that I had written. She told me, “Remember the pain and grief you have been carrying from an old best friend?” It had been over 8 years since we last hung around. She had cut me out of her life entirely and I never truly understood the reason why. I had tried different times over the years to get in touch with her and make amends but, she always avoided my calls. I eventually gave up and tried to forget about the friendship we once shared. My sister was now telling me I need to call this person up to read it. I thought there is no way! I told my sister, “She won’t even answer anyway.” I finally agreed, as to get my sister off my back. This time when I called instead of saying, “please answer”; I said, “Please don’t answer” but, by the final ring she picked up. I was actually shocked. I than babbled on about my religious retreat and how I started doing religious writing and how just that morning I wrote something that my sister had felt she was supposed to hear. I had asked if she’d mind if I read it to her. She responded differently than I had anticipated. She had said, “Sure.” After hearing what I wrote, she said “no word of a lie but, I had just prayed this week for a healing and the words in your writing have just answered my prayer from God.” She was so happy for this healing! We apologized to one another. It was absolutely amazing! I never even realized that God had intended on this healing to take place from getting me to write this writing. This truly was indeed a very special miracle that took place. We are now very much a part of each other’s lives and we are starting to catch up on all the years we have lost. See God does answer our prayers. We just need to be very patient and never give up because God doesn’t give up on us.
This writing has since gotten others to forgive people in their lives that they said they would never talk to again, much less forgive. One woman even forgave someone on his dying bed.
Since that moment she has felt a weight lifted off of her and she said she used to be afraid to be by herself and now God has rewarded her by taking all the fear from her, as she has no problem being by herself now. So you see, God can still work miracles but we need to do our part in being more forgiving of others.
(The title, “The Power of Forgiveness”, didn’t actually come to me, until after I witnessed the power of this writing. I then thought what a fitting title from what happened after people reading it and what happened to myself.)

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

In life there are going to be great things to look forward to in it
And also struggling that cause bleakness that makes you want to quit.
No one knows where our lives will take us
As one day you could wake up with even a sudden illness.
We need to face what life sends our way
No matter how painful the journey may be today.
There is always a brighter tomorrow to look forward to
But sometimes it may take longer than a day or two
To finally get to that point;
We just need to change our outlook or viewpoint.
This is when we can’t give up but always move forwards
Never looking back at all the pain and disappointments;
But instead looking ahead and staying positive looking forward
To a brighter future with greater accomplishments.
You can’t just give up and quit because you are not only hurting yourselves
But those who you love all around you.
There is an inner strength in every one of us and our faith is what brings it out
And this is what will help us make it through.
You also need to listen to that gut feeling GOD gave to you too.
Trust in GOD and open your hearts more
Because you’d be surprised of what your future has now left in store.
Written By: Diane Van Bommel

Depression can affect both the young and the old, the rich, the poor, as depression doesn’t play any favourites. It is a disease that can cause great feelings of both sadness and hopelessness in any one. This does not make you weak, but only human. It sometimes makes it even extremely hard to see the good in anything. It may be hard to lift yourself out of bed or do the regular every day chores you used to so easily be able to accomplish. This is because your sadness makes you feel rather sluggish and anything now becomes a challenge to you. You may even want to isolate yourselves from those you love, as you are just so depressed that you want to be left alone. There are many others that experience these same feelings so don’t feel ashamed. These are the times we need to turn to GOD and pray for HIS help. It is also time to allow our friends in to help. Don’t turn them away. They are there because they truly care about you. You may also find you need to turn to a counselor and that too is okay. This does not make you crazy!

It’s like I mentioned earlier, these are real legit human feelings. I am not promising this healing journey will be an easier or a short one but, I do promise you will eventually see the light at the end of the tunnel, or a rainbow in your mist because it will eventually get better. But you have to first start telling yourself this is possible and believing it as well. You also need to change your way of thinking. In other words stop being negative about everything and if you start by saying, “I can’t”, switch it to “I mean I can and I will”. At first this is a hard challenge to do but with constant practice, prayer and perseverance you will overcome this disease and be on top.

If you have a friend or family going through this depression don’t give up hope, be patient with them and be there for them. Because everyone, even if they are afraid to admit to it at the time, still need a friend; you can make a difference in their life and quite possible save them during their darkest and weakest moments. Pray for their healing, so that they too may once again find the experience of joy back in their lives. Never give up faith and certainly never give up hope! GOD BLESS!

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

Enjoy Life,
Enjoy Living
And never stop ever giving.

When we give to others
It pleases God.

It comforts those and gives them hope.
And makes them feel they can somehow now cope.

They feel the love; they feel the gain
Because they are no longer now in such pain;

Those good deeds never go unforgotten.
As you see God never forgets your good needs and either will the person for which you did that thoughtful motion.

It is also very important to be forgiving.
That is why if you need some forgiving you should do it now
Or that hatred your carrying will act like weeds.
It will keep growing and never go away all the time your living.

It will cause you grief which causes you pain.
So why keep hurting others in vain?
When there is nothing there to gain.

Repent to the Lord our God and ask for HIS forgiveness.
Go to that someone you hurt, and say those two simple words, “I’m sorry”.
You’d be surprised at how much better you feel
And not to mention how much lighter your heart now seems
Because you are no longer carrying a heavy burden
Or even those dreadful weeds;
Instead you have replaced them with a beautiful flower.
It blooms inside you as everyone sees,
As now its beauty is what it feeds.

So enjoy Living, enjoy giving,
And never, ever stop forgiving!

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

My niece, Tara was born to my sister
Having, “Down syndrome,”
At the young age of twenty-one;
My niece was born with an extra 21st chromosome,
Making her “special” from everyone.
It was scary at first for my sister,
But she loved her the first time
She laid eyes on her, and soon became completely smitten with her.
My sister’s heart though was later torn
And she could hardly see
Because of the tears that rolled down her cheeks,
causing the vision to blur,
It was because the doctor suggested the unthinkable
for Tara, to be put into an institution and my sister immediately said, “No!”
My sister knew her love for her daughter was genuine
And that it would never outgrow.
“I love her and she is a part of me
and she is going to live with me.”
She didn’t look at her daughter, Tara differently
Because she was filled with tremendous love for her
And that’s what all others could only see.
My family wouldn’t change anything about Tara either
Because she is very special and unique
And has one of the biggest hearts we know.
We love her so much and our love for her just continues to grow.
If only others could realize there is nothing to be ashamed about
“Down syndrome”, because they are all a part of GOD’s creation
Just like anyone of us
And there is so much we can learn from these “special” individuals.
They could make us more caring and understanding of others,
Which would also be a plus.
Many people with “Down syndrome are so carefree, lovable
And “yes” sometimes stubborn like the most of us;
But don’t degrade them or make fun of them
Because they have true feelings like everyone.
Please, don’t put these innocent people through this strife.
You would be lucky enough to have one of these
“Special” individuals in your life;
Because they are truly a “Godsend”;
I am not only blessed to have one as my niece,
But also as my dear friend.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(This is dedicated to my niece, Tara Myers. You are a blessing in my life! I love you! Love Always, Aunt Diane)

Don’t let hatred obstruct your vision.

Don’t put all of your energy into hating.
Focus on doing something positive with it.
If someone has hurt you somehow; Rise above it, and do something good for others.
I had someone when I was very young really hurt me.
They ridiculed me and continuously made fun of me in front of my peers.
I lived with this pain of not fitting in and belonging for
I could have become bitter or dwelt
in self-pity and held my anger in my heart for many years.
But, instead I put that energy to greater use and I actually started visiting this person’s parent in a nursing home.
I never shared these sorrows with him but just gave my love as I knew best;
Because I could see, this person needed to see God’s Love into action.
Many people stay out of nursing homes or hospitals because they are afraid
Or sometimes just don’t care.
So most die alone
With so much to bear;
Every one of us is God’s people.
Show them we care,
Spend time with them.
It’s not much to ask.
Would you want to die alone?
That would be such a dreadful task.
You feel what is in it for me?
You see the rewards are great.
You spread God’s love and it goes all around
And comes back.
You are feeding your heart and soul.
It maybe such a short visit to someone.
But will mean so much to him/her that someone took the time to come out there and actually showed they cared.
Open your heart,
And be there for someone.
It is what God wants.
He wants us to show our compassion to others.
Your generosity won’t go unrecorded, when it comes to your final day, as in Judgement Day;
Everything you say and do will be accounted for
And God will be definitely grateful to you for all the kindness you have shown so unselfishly and gave to His people.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel
