
Archive for December 2012

Happiness is God
Happiness is Love

Many of us are always striving to make it big or possibly dreaming of that day. You work extra long and extra hard hours to achieve this goal, for what? Does it really bring you happiness? At what cost is it really to you?
It may cost you your relationship, your marriage and even your precious time with your children. The happiness you were seeking or expecting to have may be causing more grief than you realize. The extra long hours you have been putting in, if they haven’t already are causing more pain than it’s worth. You are going to be left feeling very tired, agitated and run down. On top of all these emotions you are adding undue stress to your life as well. This not only affects you but, the people you may care about the most about.
Money isn’t the key to your happiness, God is!
If you put forth the same type of effort to make time for HIM, and more of an effort with your spouse, you will find yourself feeling more fulfilled, more alive and much happier in life. Sure money can buy you many things.
But, as the saying goes “money can’t buy you love”. This is so true. There is only so much money can buy and eventually the thrill from it leaves you actually feeling empty inside. But, instead if you put your focus on the more important things in life—God and your family, the feeling you get from them is a long lasting feeling of happiness. The time you put into these relationships are a life long investment. You can’t put a price tag on it because there is no price to them. These relationships can’t be bought. They are more valuable and meaningful than money could ever buy. So don’t put all your energy and money in investments and more focus of your time and effort on the greater things in life which is God and your family.
Written By: Diane Van Bommel

God bless this home and all who dwell,
Those who visit and other friends as well;
Please keep us all safe wherever we shall be
Whether they are somewhere else or here with me;
Thank you always for our faith in hand
And keeping us strong wherever we may land.
With you in our lives we shall not fail
But only grow stronger so our troubles will prevail.
We thank the Lord for your loving sight.
May we always stay true to what is right
From each morning light
And evening coming night,
We really thank the Lord for thee,
For what is to happen or to be
Because we put all our trust and faith in thee,
For YOU are what is most important
And forever shall be.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(Photography By: George Wolf)

I Love You
When was the last time you said to your mom or dad, “I love you?”
Or to your spouse and children too;
These are three simple words
But have a very strong meaning
To the one who has been waiting
To hear them from you;
Sometimes we think by saying these words
It shouldn’t really matter
As at times it seems rather silly to actually go out and do.
But in truth it can make a world of difference to your loved ones
As everyone needs to feel treasured and loved
Because without those words being said one might feel rather unloved.
Try making it a habit to do so each day
And the paybacks are worth it so much in every way
When the three words, “I love you”
Are addressed more, the feelings are reciprocated back
And that relationship will have a sudden positive lasting impact.
Because everyone likes to feel appreciated and like they matter in fact.
So why not go out and give those three words a try
For you have nothing to lose but everything to gain, as this is one thing money cannot buy.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

puppy on a bench

Are you all alone with no friends to share your life with?
And this is how it has always been with no one
To actually talk to or to be therewith;
This must make you feel very
Saddened and also very much on your own.
Because there is no one to share your life’s hopes or dreams with

And sorrows that you have known.
Since up to this point you have no one to talk

Or listen to your troubles over the phone.
Is it because you are just too shy?
As you are far too introverted to give it even half a try;
Or are you worried about being rejected
For fear they would not want your friendship,
In thinking they would just laugh and maybe just go on passing you by.
If this is you I would like you to take my two mottos and try to apply
And put them to the test
If you choose to try these mottos
And actually try to accomplish them at best
It will prove that this fear of being alone can be just a thing of the past
Leaving you no longer feeling saddened at last;
Some of my favourite mottos are
“How do you even know if you don’t at least try
And if it fails then try and try again until you finally succeed.”
“Everything worthwhile in life takes effort
If you want things to work out indeed.”
Take every step as a baby step.

Try first smiling at that stranger
And saying, “Hi” and talk about the weather,
Or something you may even have in common to break the ice.
Leaving you feeling very proud of yourself and very much sufficed;
Because before you know it a new friendship has been made
And making friends is a little easier now as you are no longer afraid.
Everyone needs a friend more than some will ever care to admit or know
But allow yourself this great opportunity in life because
It is one of many of GOD’s gifts to us
That can continue to blossom and grow.
Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(Note: Photo taken from Office.com)

cleaning piclady vaccuming

household cleaner with rubber gloves bucket and sponge..

When does the cleaning ever end?
As there are clothes to wash, dry and also mend.
And for those who are the extra neat type
There is also ironing from the folds, as the clothes do bend.
There is also sweeping and mopping floors
And vacuuming, oh so many chores!
It is never ending as there is also dusting and windows to shine
And lots of mess all over the floors and counters most of the time.
How about all the dishes to wash and dry?
Unless you are fortunate enough to have a dishwasher to do this work
For you, then this makes this chore as easy as pie.
There is also the dirty work that needs to
Get finished as in the scrubbing of the tubs, showers and sinks.
And worst of all, the entire toilet as well, which always stinks.
Oh, we can’t forget about cleaning the kitty litter can we?
No one wants to volunteer as every time

I appear to ask them they seem to disappear.
There is also the putting a way of clean laundered clothes in drawers
And making beds as our sheets get tousled through the night
As some sleep so heavily, they actually snore.
In the midst of this deep sleep they toss and turn even more.
The one thing I can say about all these chores
Is there is always work to be done.
As they all seem to stack up and it feels like you have only just begun.
“It’s just like shovelling snow, the snow will continue to fall making

This chore a repeated thing to be done.”
The same goes for housework;it is never finished because someone always
Goes behind dirtying or placing things where they don’t belong.
But there is more to life than always worrying about these things to do
So try as a parent or spouse not to be so headstrong,
As there is always another day to complete these tasks
So leave it for another day to ask
And why not take a break today to spend some time together for a change
Because after all the family will surely appreciate this new exchange.
“Remember a happy home is not always a clean home”
But a well-loved and devoted family is what brings this happy tone.
Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(Note: Photos taken from Office.com)

It is not always easy being a Teenager

Not yet an adult but not a child
Is what a teenager is labeled to be?
But at times we make mistakes and do something wild
That we may later regret naturally.
We cannot take back our pasts
At the errors we have made
Or the wrongful acts we had then played.
At times it was due to peer pressure
From so called friends who later you learned were not your true friends
As they failed you miserably;
They may have gotten you into things
You normally wouldn’t have done
And they may have also caused you even
To sometimes go on the run;
These are not your true friends
You will later learn from experience
As it becomes no longer fun.
It is not too late to turn your life around
And that starts with loving yourself enough
To respect yourself and everyone;
You are loved more than you know
As GOD loves you unconditionally
And HE is waiting with opening arms
For you to come back to HIM as HE does so for all HIS daughters and sons;
You are not a failure, or a freak
As everyone makes mistakes
And some won’t just come to admit to it
As fear of being weak
Because they don’t care to share this with others
And so would not rather speak.
Realize just how truly beautiful and intelligent you are
And that you are not a fake.
You need to believe this for yourself,
No matter how long this takes.
Don’t worry if guys don’t stick around
As those were not meant to be
As GOD has someone rather special in mind that
HE would rather let you see.
GOD wants you to be happy
And that means living a life that
Comes with forgiving yourself and later when GOD chooses HIS special time, that man will be put in your life when you least
Expect, and that could be very unexpectedly.
We all need to be patient as GOD answers
Our pleas and our prayers;
Be true to yourself, and more importantly
Be true to GOD
And your life as you know will finally begin to improve
And you will realize then without a doubt that your life you hated
Is really a true blessing, a gift and that’s how
GOD has always made it.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

Is There Peace in your Home?
Sometimes where there used to peace in your home
It is replaced with anger and hearts that are left as stone.
There is too much anger, too much pain and
There is little time with one another
Because we are not making time for each other;
We need to take that extra time
To spend time with our family and friends in the meantime,
As they need you in their life
To feel loved and cherished;
Or has this act of love gone missing
From your home and has now vanished?
When was the last time you as a family
Sat down together to pray?
Because as the saying goes, “The family that prays together, stays together;” this stands true
And it is with this prayer, peace is being renewed.
With this time together your relationships and faith will strengthen
And rebuild becoming new.
Try each day to make this extra effort for you and your family and peace will now be a bigger part of it.
And now your stress and burdens can be laid to rest
Because you are now trying to make the time for your family at best;
If you choose to make this promise as a family to do this
And actually commit.
GOD will reward you with peace, comfort and strength
And your heart will now be full of joy and be lit.

As the real meaning of JOY is: J- JESUS and O- represents nothing and Y- stands for you
because there should be nothing standing between you and HIM.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

adam and eve pic

God made woman,
But HE first made man.
HE called the one Eve and the other Adam, which was HIS plan.
HE did this first so man wouldn’t be lonely
And this is how our life as we know it all began.
Things were all wonderful in the beginning

And going accordingly to God’s Great plan.
God had then said, “You may eat fruit from the trees of the garden but had asked just one thing that they were to not to do and that was not to eat anything from the big, big apple tree.”
But, along came the devil
Who began to sneak and to creep
He put doubts in their minds because he had Asked,

“Do you always want to be so weak?”
He knew he needed to tempt them,
So he showed them the treat.
He pointed to the great big apple tree and said, “If you want to be even more powerful than GOD,
you just need to reach out and eat.”
He than slithered away feeling very sly
Because he thought he must have won with out so much of a try.
He felt he couldn’t ever be beat.
But he was just living a lie.
For as we all know that evil never wins,
So the devil lives on forever, down under with the extreme, extreme heat.
This makes the devil extremely angry for he hates defeat.
God has given us yet another chance.
HE gave HIS only son
Who lived and died for us upon a cross
So we have now won.
Now all are sins are forgiven but they should all be shun.
We need to feel blessed now for all that HE has done.
But, we need to first realize to live our lives right
So that we too may
Have a future that is quite bright.
So learn from our history, live our lives like they ought to be
Or you will never meet God, and HE wills truly be quite a mystery,

One to which you’ll never see.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(Note: Photo taken from Office.com)

picture taken by Ruth Faas

Why do you need to worry so much my little one?
I am there for you always just as the day has sun
And the wind carries a breeze.
All you need to do now is reach out to ME if you please.

You need not ever worry; I am always looking after you.
I see everything you must be going through.
Just reach out to ME, I do call and
Sometimes you just don’t listen I can recall.

I see the pain you carry upon your chest,
My little one you need to slow down and take time to rest.

Don’t worry about what other’s say and do this need not matter as God should be what is most important to you.
I will help you with whatever you need to do,
But you need to spend more time with me in fact,
If we are to ever get your life back on track.

You will than see that with ME, there are better things to be.
Don’t give up so easily
As so many people do,
Just because they have doesn’t mean you do too.

I know sometimes the challenges you must face
Leave you in such despicable haste

But don’t let your anger lead you to this disgrace.

You need to realize you can win, if you just keep away from sin.
Just ask on me and I will give you strength.
I can do so; I will go to any length.

Please, be patient please
I will answer your prayer.
Don’t worry so much on people’s stares,
For this you shouldn’t care as much as you do.
They need me in their life too

Because they need my guidance as they haven’t a clue.

You can do anything if you just try.
You never give yourself much credit either and I cannot understand why

Because you can do whatever you want to;

If you just take the time and apply.
Instead you just sit there to mope and cry.
This is a known fact, not a lie.

You are smarter than you or others may think.
You need to realize this now or you will sink

Just remember what you have all accomplished with your life;
And one is which you have always been a great wife.

You need not prove yourself to others
Because some people no matter what you do you just can never please.
They may not see and understand what they have done to hurt you,
even though it was so wrong. They can’t as their attitudes are that strong.

When you finally accept this, maybe you can put your mind at ease.
You need to be patient more with people such as these.
They too are hurting so they are channelling their pain incorrectly and unfortunately you are that target.

Please don’t give up on praying for these people

Or on the problems you must face.
Just don’t tire yourself with these; this is not a human race.
You just need to work on them but do so at a slower pace.

Keep your chin up,
You need not cry.
You cannot put anything past me, I see you sigh.
These troubles you see will get better
As long as you put your trust in ME,

And never give up and just truly believe.
I can see it through; you just have to have faith that I can do it too.
So now go and get some rest and realize how truly you are blest.
The burdens you now carry upon your chest shall lighten

As you will come to know this is all
just one test after another, all in a row.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(Photography by: Ruth Faas, Merlin, Ontario, Canada)

pic of forgive and live

You cannot live one more second,
Wishing I should have done this
or I should have done that.
You need to forgive now.
You have built a stone wall, in your heart.
How can anyone get through?
Let alone God,
If you want to have, that special relationship with Our FATHER,
You need to forgive others.
Let down your guard,
The time is now.

Don’t waste another second, of any hour, of any day,
You do not want anything coming in between Him or you,

When it comes to that Final Day.

No one knows when that day will finally come.
It could be today or
It could be tomorrow.
The fact is time, is too precious to even predict;
So take hold now and
Forgive, Forgive, And Forgive!

If it was someone who did you wrong,
Let go of the pain.
It is not worth the grief it causes.
You need to tell that person, “I do forgive” and let it go.
It is not until then,
You can really have that relationship with GOD.
Tell that person you love him or her;
It is not as hard as you think.
You would be surprised; at how really easy it is to do.
Take a chance,
What do you have to lose?
You have nothing to lose but yet everything to Gain;
Including a peace with in your heart and soul,
And when it comes to your Final day, Judgement Day,
You will reap the rewards!
And stand before the Lord our God,

To be accepted into His Kingdom with opening arms.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

.(Picture is from Forgive and Live)
