
Archive for December 2012

Just know you are loved.
Although with this disease you may seem overcome with pain and rather shoved,
As your life has forced this disease upon you making you feel sometimes that others may not care leaving you feeling painfully unloved.
Because your life has somehow forced you to facing things you were not expecting.
This in some way makes you feel like your life has been put on hold,
While others go on as usual like nothing has changed because of their busy happy households.
These stories are now displayed on face book giving you now a more discouraging outlook
On your life because of the battle
You still need to face.
You are anxiously waiting for the day when this disease will no longer show any trace.
This can happen because you are a fighter.
Give your troubles and sorrows up to GOD.
It will make you feel more joy in your life,
As you are left feeling even lighter
Because GOD is truly Almighty;
You can beat this thing!
Just don’t give up!
GOD can conquer all.
The most important thing is for you to believe this is possible and give it your all.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

photo by Alphonse Van Hooste

Life is going to have many ups and downs
And many road bumps in its journey
That may lead to many breakdowns,
But there is continually beauty
And joy still to be found.
You just need to open your hearts more and really listen
And take a look at all our blessings that are everywhere around.
Life is not all about what money can buy
But it’s in how we choose to live it and how hard in life we do try.
We need to realize that the best things in life we just truly can’t buy.
You can have a lot of material goods and money but what good is
It if you are left all alone and no true happiness to live by
Because those possessions may bring

You some joy but it is very short lived.
But with our blessings in our life found from
Love, family and friends and GOD who is always nearby;
Your lives will feel more completed and fulfilled
With prayers things will fall into place with less effort
And your happiness will begin to rebuild
As you no longer have to work hard at being happy

As you always have had to in the past

Because a greater faith in you has been now instilled.
Faith is what brings peace, love and true happiness

As GOD has always willed.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(Courtesy of :   alphonsephotography.com)

When things look rough,
Just remind yourself
Things will get better.

You just have to have faith.

It may feel like some days that everything
That could possibly go wrong,
Does go wrong;

Pick yourself up, and
Brush yourself off.
Realize everyone goes through
Some type of hardship or pain.

It does get better,
Just ask God to give
You strength;

You might feel you must be being
Punished for something,

Take away any of those negative thoughts.
If you don’t your letting the devil, win;

God want’s your happiness.

You just need to Believe;

Be happy and put away any worries behind
And ask for God’s help to get you through this
Difficult time.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

Bullying happens in every race
And it can occur in every place.
It is so unfair to happen to anyone in the first place;
People can be mean and do or say hurtful things as putting down
Someone by weight, or size
And making that person feel like
They are not worthy and not a noble prize.
Their self-esteem now suffers making
Them feel bad about who they are.
Wishing they could get away far
Because the abuse is too real
Making it hard for the one being bullied to actually deal;
When will the bullying soon end?
We need to finally make amends
As with preventive teachings at home,
Which may not always be taught or effectively learned from any tome
Because seeing it in a word does not always give the same successful and productive outcome.
And there are some who just don’t like to read, since it brings them much boredom.
It is best to learn first-hand by being with the best role model to portray
How people should be treated with respect
And that is not just occasionally, but every moment of every day;
Just think how better our world would be, if in every place,
Bullying was no longer a part of life in any particular way.
We can accomplish this by stopping this bullying before it gets out of hand
And that comes from finally speaking out and taking a no tolerance stand.
Written By: Diane Van Bommel

Why volunteer you might say?
It does not come with any financial pay,
Not even a cent.
So it surely does not help your wallet and does not pay any rent.
You see it does pay for something,
It has a greater gift to bring.
Maybe not as tangible as money
But, sweeter in fact than any jars of honey
When you visit strangers and loved ones in need
That are possibly shut-ins or in group/nursing homes you are providing them with a love
To which their body can feed.
Some of these people are so lonely in fact
that they are feeling so forgotten,
At the moment when you walk into that room
A smile you will have gotten.
Maybe you need to visit poor
Aunt Nancy or dear Uncle Fred
because they had felt so saddened,
Making them feel
like never getting out of bed.
To think of the impact or difference each of us could make if we just took the time
or even for a few moments that is all it sometimes takes.
The reward is far greater
than any dime to accept,
as the warmth in your heart
that is what you will have kept,
such as like one’s stomach
who likes to dine or drink on fine wine.
As the loneliness that has been there for them,
as they had possibly shed a tear has been replaced by companionship,
and so lack of love they no longer fear.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

Every one of us in our life has dreams.
What are they?
And whatever do they mean?
Some are pretty scary, some fun, and some are just plain extreme.
Why, some dreams feel so real in fact,
That when you wake up,
You are feeling as if you were there.
This leaves you looking as if you were in a trance,
Because you wake up with such a blank stare.
Sometimes these dreams bring us back
To our past, or to the future, where we want to be.
There are even some with our loved ones
Who passed on and we miss ever so much
We feel lucky to see them once again;
Even if it has to be just in a dream,
And it was a short time as such.
Dreams can bring us where we may never be able to go;
Such as on a stage, or on a Caribbean cruise,
Which would have cost a substantial wage
Some dreams seem to come true, some may not.
But having these dreams, give us room to grow.
Don’t ever give up on them, because you just never know!

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

There is Hope
Sometimes the pain is so unbearable that it hurts to get out of bed. It’s moments like these why I can see why people want to give up on their life, but you can’t no matter how bad it hurts. These are the times we need to reflect on all the good, our blessings, our life, and our gifts. Even though you may be struggling with your disease, your pain, GOD is there for you to help you through. I have seen and felt first hand HIS love, by means of calls, e-mails, texts, flowers, a music box, a gold pink stoned ring, angels, books and lots and lots of food. The generosity keeps on coming. There is even pink, fancy ribbon on all my neighbours and some friends’ mailboxes to show their support for me. The support does not end there as there have also been people running for me in support of breast cancer. There was even a stranger, in grade 7 from another area who put my name down as she hadn’t known any one personally who had the disease, but when she learned of me she said she wanted to do it for me. Wow! The love that GOD has sent is now coming from strangers. I even received a pewter angel decoration with the inscription, “Miracles happen to those who believe in them.” This was given to me by my neighbour’s mom, someone whom I never met before. The kindness from strangers really touches my heart. There are so many people, some of which that don’t even know me praying for me to have a full recovery. Even when times look so bleak, GOD shows HIS love.
Sometimes you may feel like no one understands but, in truth GOD always does and many others unfortunately who are battling this or many other diseases can relate to the same or other uncomfortable pain that you are going through. But, the good news is the pain will eventually ease. This is when we cannot let our faith falter but, we need to strengthen our faith now more than ever, if you want to beat this battle. GOD has sent you family, friends, and “yes” even strangers to help comfort you by bringing some peace and love to help support you during these difficult times. GOD has always promised to be there for all of us and that is HIS way of keeping HIS promise to you.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

Have Some Faith
Inside you feel like dying, there is this immense mind boggling pain that is tearing you up. This pain you are now feeling seems to have taken over you. It hurts that you feel you are no longer in control. It feels as if now any happiness you had once experienced is gone from virtual existence. There is no way of really trying to describe it to the ones you love because in reality it is hard for yourself to even come to terms with.

You feel in your heart, “When will this pain ever stop?”
“Can it even stop?” The answer of course is “Yes!” because with God anything is possible to accomplish in life and “yes too, a strong leap in faith will make it happen much quicker.” God can bring you out of this dungeon that your body has somehow created in entrapping your mind from any chance of happiness. It is as if your mind controls any positive or warm thoughts you used to own or any to which you ever have known. This is the time you need to take that leap in faith and trust in God to give you the spiritual and emotional strength your body needs to carry out to succeed in taking back your happiness in life.

With a stronger faith in hand, a better place in life to you will have to land. There are so many people like yourself, several people around the world from every walks of life that can relate to the ill feelings you have been experiencing. It is nothing to ever feel embarrassed or ashamed about. It happens to the best of us. It does not make you different or strange but only human. Because every one of us one time or another go through many painful experiences, struggles or tribulations that we all have to overcome. It is also very important to know that God is just an ear shot away.

These struggles and pains you are experiencing are all the works of the devil. Sometimes he seems to work overtime to accomplish trying to ruin the hearts and souls of everyone on earth. He does not like to accept defeat so when he sees any type of opening to any weakness that seems to be apparent he jumps right in on it, trying to take over your happiness in life. For you see the devil likes to make you weak, he wants you to think you won’t be able to get well because for him he is hoping that you finally won’t be able to take it and just give up on the whole thing, including your life. This is when you need to allow your faith to set in and really allow yourself to truly believe that anything is possible with God in your court. Don’t ever allow the devil to win.

You are much better than that and you can and will be able to rise above it all but, just keep in mind it is going to take some more patience on your part and possibly some perseverance and hard work as well too. In the end, the strong leap of faith you took or put in will come back with many rewards. You will be able to rise above any negative thoughts your body and mind may have been carrying.
You have to realize it will take a bit of time to recover because anything worthwhile in life cannot happen overnight but it is definitely worth it in the end.

But please don’t despair and give up too prematurely because with patience and faith it can be done. There are people around you that do care and may not totally understand what you are going through so may not handle this situation as you would like, but whatever you do try and not shut them out, as they are trying to be there to help you because you mean a lot to them and they hate seeing what depression can do to the one they love. The fact that they are trying to reach out just proves that they are not willing to give up on you just as you should never give up on yourself because you are special and you do matter! Not only do your loved ones care but most importantly God cares as well! He hates to see any of HIS children in such emotional pain or turmoil.

Now is the time to take over your life and allow the leap in faith to step in and if you put your trust in God and ask for HIS help to guide you, then miracles will then begin to finally take place in your life. But it is only in then as your faith is put to work that a miracle will happen. Take one day at a time and baby step by baby step your mind, body and soul will recover. You will then once again get back the zest you had for life because joy is now present as you are now feeding your soul with your new found stronger faith. Your spirits will now be able to rise above all those negative emotions that you have been trying to overcome. It is now you will have the necessary requirements in taking back your life as you have now chosen to make God be a bigger part of it.

If you allow God to take over your troubles, then you will be allowing joy and a new found zest back into your life that you have been so desperately lacking. If you trust in God, believe in God, even at your darkest moments in life, you will finally rise above all the pains and sufferings you have been heavily carrying and above all defeat the temptations of the devil. He has been so anxiously waiting to lure you in to his web so you will give up on the things that do matter like yourself and your faith that gives you the chance at happiness. If you continue to have God in your life, evil will never win because God rises above all including anything that tries to get in the way to destroy one’s faith and peace of mind. Never lose hope, never lose faith and definitely never give up on life and always believe in yourself that you can conquer any inner demons that need to be conquered.

Remember God is always there for you and you just need to never doubt it. We may not see HIM but if you don’t lose hope and faith in HIM, you will eventually feel HIS presence. It is not until then that a true and positive change will take place for all areas in your life, believe and it shall be given and may you finally find that inner peace and also have joy brought back to your life for the rest of your journey here on earth.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(This is dedicated to all those struggling with some type of pain or depression. I hope this will give you strength to realize you can beat this and rise above once again. God bless!)


Things happen in our life that we may not always have control of. Perhaps someone took a part of you that was most precious and important to you. They took away your innocence. You told them no! But, they just wouldn’t listen. You feel like you are also to blame for this happening. You feel you possibly allowed this to happen so you must have deserved it. Please don’t beat yourself up over this and know that in any shape or form was this ever your fault. No one ever deserves to ever have this happen to them. Take away any of these unjustified feelings because it was never your fault; it was a very ill-fated thing to have happened to you. You need to realize it is they who have the problem because they are very sick in the mind. They are lacking God in their life; instead they have chosen to have the devil to be a big part of theirs. It is the devil who gets them to do such horrible acts. They are enabling the devil to take over their minds. Where you had once felt happy, you are now feeling empty inside and ashamed for what had taken place.
You may sometimes suffer like you can no longer go on. It may also make feel one of two things: totally afraid to give yourself to another or the total opposite now giving yourself too freely. You feel in your mind, “Who cares anyway? I’m dirty. I’m damaged goods. It is no longer important for me to save myself for that special someone. What is the point anyways?”
We need to realize that we need to take away any of these ill feelings and recognize we are still very much worthy and ask for God’s help to guide you through this. At times you may experience many flashbacks. It feels like every time you close your eyes it’s happening in your mind over and over. You feel why me? Did I ever do something to deserve this? The response to this is of course not, stop punishing yourself. Just know no one ever deserves this. This was very unfortunate that this did happen to you.
Because of this happening it may start to affect everything in your life, not only yours but others as well. Don’t take it out on those you love. It’s not their fault. They want to help you through this. You may start to mistrust everyone around you because you are so scared. You just wish you could put this all behind you and just forget it ever happened but, your mind won’t let you. You are feeling lots of anger towards the perpetrator. This is normal to feel that way but, don’t take it out on God, instead ask HIM to give you strength to move on for a brighter future without always looking back on your troubled past. You need to also pray for your attacker because they are very sick and in need of prayers for they require God more in their lives, so they can stop doing the same thing to hurt others. You may not ever come to the point of forgiveness but, you need to try and do so for God. That is what HE would want you to. This is such a painful thing to have to consider especially for what you had to endure but, it’s something that must be done in order for you to move on with your life. It will lighten some of the load you are now carrying. God will also be pleased with your Christian deed. Just know you can still go on and live a wonderful future that you are entitled. God is there for you— now is the time to trust in HIM.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

anger pic

Don’t Hold On To Anger

Anger is like an illness or disease.

It makes you feel very sick and unhappy.

If we don’t remove our anger and choose to be joyous;

We live a very sad and lonely life.

When you keep that anger built up inside you,

It pushes others that are most dear to you away.

No one wants to be around with so much anger.

It removes any kind of happiness they may have been feeling;

Making them feel no longer content.
So the best thing they tend to do
Is stay the distance or stay far apart.

Your relationship with God
Suffers as well.

Because every bit of anger you carry it
Produces a brick in the wall between you and God.

The more your anger elevates,
The increasingly number of bricks
Is put on that wall.

It will be soon that God
Can no longer get through.

You will have shut HIM out completely.

We need to ask God for some healing;
Some strength to allow some forgiveness.

If you finally release the anger you are carrying.
You will finally be free to enjoy life
Have that important relationship with God.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(Note: Photo taken from Office.com)

