
Life is Worth Living

Posted on: December 31, 2012

photo by Alphonse Van Hooste

Life is going to have many ups and downs
And many road bumps in its journey
That may lead to many breakdowns,
But there is continually beauty
And joy still to be found.
You just need to open your hearts more and really listen
And take a look at all our blessings that are everywhere around.
Life is not all about what money can buy
But it’s in how we choose to live it and how hard in life we do try.
We need to realize that the best things in life we just truly can’t buy.
You can have a lot of material goods and money but what good is
It if you are left all alone and no true happiness to live by
Because those possessions may bring

You some joy but it is very short lived.
But with our blessings in our life found from
Love, family and friends and GOD who is always nearby;
Your lives will feel more completed and fulfilled
With prayers things will fall into place with less effort
And your happiness will begin to rebuild
As you no longer have to work hard at being happy

As you always have had to in the past

Because a greater faith in you has been now instilled.
Faith is what brings peace, love and true happiness

As GOD has always willed.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(Courtesy of :   alphonsephotography.com)

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