
Archive for December 2012

farmer al

Times have changed.
Times are tough,
Not to mention very rough.
Too many worries,
Too many burdens,
They boggle us all down.
It’s moments like these
That make us feel we can’t get off the ground.
It all brings more than just a frown.
This is when we need to leave our troubles behind
And ask God to help us through our bind,
Since life as we know has felt so unkind.
God can bring joy back into our lives
Because after all he has the power
No word of a lie.
He answers many that cry.
He has the “strength to move mountains”
Or give water to a fountain.
He can change our lives around
Rather than how they were upside down.
Forget about the money issues.
You no longer need to grab a tissue.
God has taken on your troubles
Just relax and take out the bubbles
Because you can finally be at peace
For God is now taking care of it all,
We just need to be patient please
As we now wait on HIS call.
Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(Photo taken By: Heidi Kaylynn Carter)

pic of girl and a light bulb

God I cannot make it
through life on my own.
Every struggle or hill I have to climb
Winds up being too
Difficult even to bear;
Please, help me show me the way
Because I am dying inside I fear,
All that is left are my tears.
Why do things have to happen
the way that they do?
People fail to show their love
But only look at your faults
As if they had grew,
Please God help them see the light
And maybe then finally things
will turn out right.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(Note: Photo is taken from Office.com)

For those of you contemplating suicide know this is not the answer. If you give into these desires, you are giving into the devil. It pleases him that you would be joining him at his dwelling place in Hell. The pain you seek to get away from is nothing compared to the Hell where you’d be going. You would be living eternally in pain and never given a chance for any kind of opportunity for happiness. If you end up there you would never again be able to see your loved ones. Could you really do that to yourself and to them?

This is not a solution; don’t give in to the devil. If you feel you are becoming weak and having such thoughts it’s not too late to turn to God in prayer. He will then give you the strength needed to get through these troubles. God loves you! HE is always there for us. We just need to call on him for HIS help. Remember everyone has bad days; life isn’t always “a bed of roses”. There will always be some down times but it does get better, hang in there! You need to realize you have a lot to offer to yourself and to others as well if you choose not to give up on yourself, as your life will then start to finally turn around. You just have to have faith and trust in God.

You will later soon come to realize that your life truly is worth living, so instead please choose life!!! This pleases God. If ever you are ever feeling unwanted and unloved know that God does love you and is always there for you, think about your loved ones you would leave behind. If you love them how could you put them through such grief and horrible tremendous pain? It’s not fair to them; they would be left in so much sorrow.

Everyone has troubles and arguments, don’t handle it this way. You need to work it out instead. This pain you’re carrying isn’t forever, be patient and wait it out. God promises it does get better; we just need to never lose faith and believe. It’s very much worth it. God will choose our time according to HIS plan and it is well worth the wait. When it comes to the time HE chooses we will than be able to join our loved ones and with God himself in heaven. The only way we can get there is to do it God’s way and by God’s time. You know now what decision you need to make and that is to give your life another chance, Choose Life, Choose Love.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

beach pic

If only everyday could be like a day on the beach.
Can you imagine how much more fun though to learn and to teach?
We need to realize even though this may not be possible,

There is still beauty all around us that is just within one’s reach.

We need to cherish what we do have and not to focus on what we don’t
Because in reality not everyone themselves can ever own a boat.
Who cares if that other person always seems to gloat?

There are more important things to life as you will later see.
They are gifts from God that are there for you and me.

Appreciate the small stuff,
And don’t make it feel like you have had it so rough.

God has given you many a gift.
It’s how we use them that bring us that lift.
Enjoy your life now without all the tiff.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(Note: Photo taken from Office.com)

pic of animated_fishing_boat_at-dusk

(Note: Moving Photo Taken From netanimations.net)

Nobody is perfect except for God.
So stop trying to be perfect.
We can try and strive to be,
But, we can never be.
So, be happy with who you are now
And strive to be the person
That you can be;
If you are not living the life you can
Be proud of, stop what you are doing.
You can change your life around.
All you have to do is put your trust in God.
Repent for what you have done wrong

And rejoice in the Lord for the here and now.
Just think how much happier you will become if you don’t expect such high expectations of yourselves.
If you don’t do that you are allowing yourself to be set up for failure.
None of us are failures, so don’t live your lives like we are.
We are all children of God on the same journey.
We may have all started out on our journeys differently.
But, we can always let our journeys lead us to the same place

And that is in the end with God.
We just need to live a good life now, and repent and give our love to others to help those who are in need.
We all need to cleanse our souls from any wrongs in life.
You will feel so much stronger and happier
And not to mention so much lighter for it;
You will feel like such a big weight
Has been lifted off of your shoulders;
It is such an amazing feeling; we just need to live a good life.
Drugs and sex might give you a sudden high or happiness.
But, that feeling won’t last. If you give of yourselves to God;

Now, that happiness will definitely last.
We just need to keep God as an everyday part of our lives and not
As a fixture that we tend to in a very long while;
We need to look deep inside ourselves and realize what

We are doing to ourselves and others are not making us happy.
If you are miserable, than you have the power to change this.
Live yourself only for God and not for pleasing others.
You will live such an amazing and fulfilling life for it.
God is the special key to happiness in everyone’s life.

pic of key 2                       pic of key3     pic of key 1

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(Pictures are taken from Office.com)

Marriage is a Partnership
Marriage is a lot of work.
It is not always easy as it is just not housework.
But also getting along with one another,
And learning to accept one’s faults and weaknesses as well
as having great communication skills with one another
and giving your marriage partner some space to have one on one time with friends
or sports that they may enjoy can be of great importance;
In this way they are not feeling
Like marriage is like a prison to them
But a wonderful blessing to have,
That is truly a gift from GOD.
But when it comes to being abused that is a whole different ball game
as no one ever deserves this type of treatment and GOD wouldn’t expect you to live this way either.
A marriage is a partnership, a friendship
And a bond that shouldn’t be broken;
A marriage should not be given up on but marriage in
Itself though, can be a lot of work
But it is worth all the effort you both put into it.
The most important things in a marriage are trust,
Respect and having GOD as a big part of your lives;
It’s just as the saying goes,
“The family that prays together stays together.”
This holds true and without HIM in your lives
Your marriage could possibly fail.
Because marriages without true faith can become rather stale;
Go to church together and pray together
and an improved difference will start to happen in your relationship
And this is no tall tale,
Because you both had chosen to have GOD
As a bigger part of this new arrange.
Instead you will both shall gain a greater life together
In this new exchange and your marriage will now sail.
Because with love, respect, perseverance
and sometimes counselling a marriage can still be saved even at its near breaking point.
To stay together just for your children is not the right decision;
You need to look at your life with
A different outer perspective or view point.
The only valuable reason to be in a marriage should be is for love
and if there is abuse involved get out while you still can because you do not want to become a statistic
From being with an angry, unhappy man
Who doesn`t know how to truly show you his love.
What kind of a good example are you setting for your children
as they will think that it is okay to be mistreated in this way?
It becomes a vicious circle for when they are older they may also pick a similar mate.
In order to stop
This you need to get help in anyway.
It is important to make a marriage work but it has to be both parties
making the effort and if this spouse doesn’t go for anger management
or counselling to try and improve their disruptive behaviour
then this marriage is not valid with the wedding vows
You made to each other on your wedding day.
A person who truly loves their spouse would
not intentionally ever hurt them in this manner and
Would have felt much guilt for their actions per say.
Wishing you all the best and that GOD is with you every step of the way
to give you both the strength and guidance to do what is right for yourself
and your children’s lives to live a more happier and more productive life as not
Just in tomorrow but in today and each and every day. GOD Bless!!!
Written By: Diane Van Bommel

I watched a program just the other day all about “hoarding .What is it you must say?
This is a prime example about what happens when it comes to wanting
Too many items, which you are now just boarding;
It can lead you to wanting too many desires,
That you’re actually continuously searching through the sales flyers.
It will lead you in all actuality to having this illness, as it has now become an addiction.
In your family this may cause much friction.
You want everyone’s junk, for you feel it is too good to just throw away.
The best thing you can do when it comes to other person’s junk
is to just stay away.
At first these things may be a hard thing to do,
But, it will help you not to cave
Or otherwise you are just making your own grave.
This addiction comes with some emotional baggage as well,
But,with GOD there with you this possible to overcome,
And to accomplish this you will have now won.
Just think about all the good you would have done.
And how good you would feel and
You could quite possible save yourself from going to the hospital.
These things you will choose to give away
Help others who have nothing.
But in order to achieve this you must get rid of all this stuffing.
To give what you may feel to be precious may actually become
A lifesaver to them,
And leave more room in your den.
As Christians we need to share our love with one another,
Because our greed will take over our happiness
and it could even cause you to become feeling under the weather.
In the end after you accomplish this task,
And beat this defeat;
Your life as you know it will feel much more complete.
So try and stay away from these things that shouldn’t matter
So you can avoid such clutter,
And try putting God and love on your special platter.
God will be much happier that you put HIM first,
And it will make you feel you can beat the worst.
Just remember it is good to hold on to some treasures
Because after all they do bring us some pleasure
If you just keep a few.
Because to hold on to too many,
It becomes like the flu,
An unwilling illness
That takes over you.
But this hoarding will than to start to take over your day, and night.
This can also bring you so much pain,
That at times you may feel you are going insane.
It feels like you are now fighting for your life.
This not only causes you grief, but your loved ones as well
Maybe even your husband or wife.
This is when you need to ask God’s help to with this addiction.
Before this becomes too much of an affliction.
Hoarding can also be a danger to your health,
Not only could this it affect your wealth.
You may buy, but never give away or it’s just that you can never
Throw away as you say.
This can actually do more harm than good.
You would really want to throw away these things if you could.
This can also become a health hazard if it hasn’t already or
Even so much as a fire hazard
because there is barely a pathway to get through.
If a fire were to start it will grow until it grew.
If this is your life ask God to help you through
That you may start thinking of giving, instead of these things
Sticking in your home like glue.
You can give to the less fortunate, and to think how much
Money you’d save.
It’s a hard thing to do.
It comes with some emotional baggage as well,
But think at how many times you nearly fell.
But, with God in your life you can make yourself well
Because with God all things are possible
If you just choose to believe.
Just think about how good you’d feel
To help others who have virtually nothing
Because if we don’t, our greed will take over our happiness.
It could even cause you to become under the weather.
In the end after to accomplish this task
Your future and your home will look much brighter
As you chose to put all this will power so you would be defeated..
Your life as you know it will be more complete.
So try and stay away from these things that shouldn’t matter
And try putting more important things like God and love on your life platter.
God will feel much happier you see because you chose to put HIM first,
And this will make you feel you can now accomplish the worst.
Just remember it is good to hold on to some treasures
Because they do after all bring us some pleasures.
If only you hang on to just a few,
But to hold on to too many, it becomes like the flu,

To which in turn takes over you.
So if you remember this little saying
You shall be able to get on your way.
Now with God’s help your happiness is here to stay!
Note: to understand the concepts mentioned earlier in this poem
you may want to refer to my previous poem entitled “The Formula for Happiness”.
This will give you a better explanation of these following concepts.
Too much gain – leading to desires and furthermore can lead to possible addictions.
What had started out as your happiness has now only bringing you nothing but grief?

Written By: Diane Van Bommel


While listening to the Christian radio station,
They talked about the happiness to life equation.
In order to succeed we need to stay away from evil deeds.
These will act like weeds and take away all our goodness we need.
The only equation to life that will make you really happy is
Godliness + Contentment = Great Gain
The only way we will be content is to be happy with whom we are
and what we have or you’ll live your life always in pain.
It’s okay to want gain for God does want us to succeed.
But, be careful this does not all lead to greed.
This also may lead to temptations or wrong desires.
Be aware to live your life right, because you never know
Time may expire.
If you live your life not with contentment you are causing
A lot of negativity,
This is no good as you are jeopardizing your longevity.
It can also cause ruin and destruction, grief and wanting desires.
These could lead to temptations even making us liars.
Also lead to possible addictions;
This can cause unwanted afflictions.
God wants to see a good attitude.
HE expects this from every one of you.
If you choose to live your life in constant negativity,
You are setting yourself
up for a very miserable existence.
So why not try and turn your attitude around,
I know this may all sound very profound.
But this could help you keep your feet on the ground.
Why not try and put all this negative energy and channel into
something good by helping others and doing this with consistency.
Your good deeds will go unnoticed as God Himself does see.
There is only way to get to Heaven,
And that is by taking the right road,
Unfortunately there is no other code.
For this to achieve,
We need to be the best that we can be.
There is one more thing we should try to remember
and that is the formula for life,
As well as being also good to your husband/wife.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel



Why does life sometimes have to hurt so much? There are so many people suffering some type of pain whether it is emotional or physical, and at times it may even seem so overwhelming that you feel you can no longer go on. Get rid of these feelings, everyone goes through these emotions one way or another whether their even ready to admit it to themselves or not. We just need to realize there are better days that lie ahead. It’s not always going to be this rough. It’s just like after a dreary rainy day—outcomes a rainbow, the same goes for our life. There may be sometimes we may have moments of trials and tribulations but it doesn’t mean it’s always going to be that way. God will help you get through this. You just need to reach out for HIS help, so many of us may think, when will these pains ever end? Just know it does get better, maybe not right away but just try and be patient a little longer because it does get eventually easier. Before you know it you’ll be thinking I’m so glad I didn’t give up on life so quickly because life is truly is worth living. We should never take our time here on this earth for granted. There are so many things to enjoy and look forward to in it. If there are people out that are making you feel useless or worthless; it is them that have the problem. They are the ones missing out on getting to know the real you. Don’t ever give them any satisfaction in allowing them to making you feel this inadequate, pull yourself up and hold your head up high. You need to learn to live your life to the fullest and to also always try and remember to enjoy every moment of this gift from God because so many people leave this earth too prematurely. Life is already too short as it is, never rush this. You need to appreciate your life and remember there is always someone out there that loves you in it and that is the one who created you, GOD OUR FATHER because to HIM we are all special and very much beautiful because in case you haven’t realized yet God never makes junk, only treasures and you are one of HIS many special gems in it.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(Note: Photos taken from Office.com)

There is a light within me
That many do not see.
But burns bright
Waiting to make its début;
We need to have this breakthrough
As sometimes this faith is hidden
For fear of what others may think.
But now I realize that shouldn’t even matter
Because our lives could be shattered
Or much less be taken away in a blink.
We need to share our gifts,
Share our love, and even share our faith.
Many people are afraid to show
Theirs so it may be virtually
Invisible as a wraith;
We need to put our faith in to action
Helpings others that need our help
Less words and more participation
Is what our faith, our inner light is all about.
That is why we need to take the time
To care and be devout,
As we just never know when one will later checkout.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel
